
Entity Definition

Logical Name : StoredValueInstrumentType

ARTS designated category of StoredValueInstruments. Examples include: GIFT_CERTIFICATE - Gift certificate GIFT_CARD - non-refillable stored value card PREPAID_PHONE_CARD - Prepaid phone card PREPAID_MEAL_CARD - Prepaid meal(s) card STORED_VALUE_CARD - Rechargable stored value card Retailers may add additional rows as required.

Data Definition

Attribute Description Physical Name Domain Data Type Foreign Key Table
StoredValueInstrumentTypeCode (PK) An ARTS standard code to designate the category of a StoredValueInstrument. POSLOG6 values are: GiftCard GiftCertificate PhoneCard SmartCard OnlineVoucher CarwashVoucher CD_STRD_VL_INSTRMNT_TYP Code varchar(20)
StoredValueInstrumentTypeDescription A short narrative description of the StoredValueInstrumentTypeCode used for reporting. DE_STRD_VL_INSTRMNT_TYP DescriptionShort varchar(255)
PersonalIDRequiredTypeCode Identifies the type of personal identification required to authorize tender. Examples include driver's license, a second credit card, social security card, etc. TY_ID_PRSL_RQ Code2 char(2)
PersonalIDReferenceNumber The identifying number of the driver license or other personal id provided by the customer to verify his/her identity at the point of sale. ID_RFC_PRSL_ID Identity integer
StoredValueInstrumentMediaTypeCode (FK) A retailer defined code that designates a kind of stored value instrument media. Sample values include: PAPER MAG_STRIPE_CARD FOB MOBILE_APP TOKEN CD_STRD_VL_INSTRMNT_MD_TYP Code varchar(20) StoreValueInstrumentMediaType(CO_STR_VL_INSTRMNT_MD_TYP)
FinancialLedgerAccountID (FK) The reference for the FinancialLedgeraAccount ID_ACNT_LDG Identity integer FinancialLedgerAccount(CO_LE_ACNT_FN)
MinimumAgeYearsRequirement The minimum age required for a customer to use a StoredValueInstrumentType to make purchase, redeem cash balances, recharge balances or any other activity. This will vary depending on where the stored value instrument is involved in a transaction. Retailers need to investigate rules governing the use of SVI's where they conduct business. QY_MNM_AG_YR_RQMT QuantityInteger integer
PublicPrivateNetworkTypeCode A code that designates this StoredValueInstrumentType as an OPEN network card (it can be used at many retailers) or a CLOSED network card (it can only be used at the retailers stores. CD_PBLC_PRVT_NTWRK_TYP Code varchar(20)


Parent Entity Verb Phrase Child Entity
FinancialLedgerAccount classifies StoredValueInstrumentType
StoreValueInstrumentMediaType physically represents StoredValueInstrumentType
StoredValueInstrumentType may be limited by LoadingLimit
StoredValueInstrumentType may be limited by SpendingLimit
StoredValueInstrumentType classifies StoredValueInstrument

Logical Views containing StoredValueInstrumentType

Logical View
Logical 01420 - Prepaid and Stored Value Payment Instruments
Logical 02390 - Retail Transaction - Stored Value Instrument
Logical 02500 - Tender Control Transaction - Macro View
Logical 04100 - Financial Ledger - Retail Transaction View